You’ve been in your job for several years now, and in your opinion, you’ve produced some pretty good work. You’re thinking, it’s time for advancement, but is your boss thinking the same? If you’re unsure, here are six ways you can prove to your boss you’re fit for a promotion:

1. Give 150% – Hard work will get you everywhere in your career. The best way to get your manager’s attention is to show them with quality work. Don’t cut corners. Go above and beyond to do a good job, regardless of the task.

2. Take initiative – Promotable people don’t wait to be asked to do something; they take it upon themselves to do it. If you know there is a project or task that needs to be tackled, take the initiative and get it done. The best leaders are initiators.

3. Help others succeed – Don’t be self-absorbed, step outside the bounds of your own interests and assist others when there’s a need. Go to them and offer your help. Take an interest in the people around you and be a team player that others can count on.

4. Be a contributor – Every manager wants an employee that contributes value to their team. These are the people who are always thinking of ways to do things better. They proactively share ideas and solutions that make their team and the results they achieve stronger.

5. Maintain a positive attitude – How you think impacts what you do and how you do it. Always keep your attitude on the up and up. Demonstrate confidence in your abilities but temper it with humility. Whatever is asked of you, approach it with a positive attitude.

6. Work with integrity – Put in a full day’s work. Don’t compromise in your job, always do the right thing, even when it’s hard. Be the person others can’t help but respect because of the integrity you show in your work.

By doing these things, you will not only show your manager you’re worthy of promotion, you’ll set yourself up for great success in your career!

about the author

Vicki Spencer

Spherion Marketing
