Let’s be realistic, we live in a social world that thrives on technology. The impacts of new media and mobile innovation have revolutionized the way things get done—especially those things that once found their identity in paper form, like the resume.

Your resume is no longer the prize resource showcasing your skills and aptitude to hiring managers. No, employers today are drawing their conclusions about you from a smorgasbord of sources, ranging from LinkedIn profiles and Facebook activity, to Twitter feeds and personal blogs.

HR’s attraction to these social media outlets is rooted in the realization that there is a lot more depth to you as a candidate than what fits on a sheet of paper. Moreover, it is information that can intuitively reveal how well you may—or may not—fit in their organization.

Even the resume itself has morphed into a myriad of forms to appeal to a more media-savvy crowd—from interactive, presentation resumes and video resumes, to QR code resumes and personal websites. Pending your career choice, some styles may be more mainstream than others. But, one thing is for sure: If you adapt your resume to a medium that’s more progressive, you’re going to stand out as a candidate that’s creative, technically adept and ahead of the curve. 

The important thing to remember is that your resume remains a valuable tool in the job search process. But, don’t limit your marketability by staying within the confines of what’s familiar. If you are going to steal the spotlight from other candidates, you need to start thinking outside the lines of the traditional resume and leverage the power of social media.